The Missions Ministry Team oversees and coordinates the missions emphasis of the church. This team plans and coordinates all mission activities throughout the church to educate and inspire the congregation in the area of local and world missions. 2017 recipients of mission funds have not yet been determined. Some of those assisted in the past are as follows:
ABC Life Center, CAPNWP (Camping Assn. of the Presbyteries of N/W PA), Child Evangelism Fellowship, Fishermen’s Network/Lighthouse Ministries, United World Mission (formerly Latin America Mission) (Robert & Nina Bruneau), One Mission Society (Joetta Lehman), Seneca Hills Bible Camp & Retreat Center, Venango Youth for Christ, World Gospel Mission (Jim and Alice Vanderhoof) and Undesignated (for requests throughout the year).
Outreach exists to aid the people of the church in fulfilling the Great Commission. Ideas are formulated and implemented to encourage the unchurched of the community to attend worship and to join in the fellowship of our congregation. Advertising, mailing, personal contact and phone contacts are some of the methods utilized in reaching out to those who are seeking the meaningful and abundant life offered to all through a personal relationship with Christ.